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200 route(s) found!


Sport: Running
by MANUEL: November 5, 2018
Location: CASA / ESPAÑA

Distance: 3.85 miles - 6.2 km

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TEATINOS - 21959

Sport: Running
by MANUEL: November 5, 2018
Location: CASA / ESPAÑA

Distance: 5.76 miles - 9.27 km

No description/comment from MANUEL

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Sport: Running
by MANUEL: November 5, 2018

Distance: 6.36 miles - 10.24 km

No description/comment from MANUEL

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10 Km. Canarias- Grufresas-Canorra-Polideportivo- GC-Canarias - 21947

Sport: Running
by Linceandaluz: November 2, 2018
Location: MOGUER / España

Distance: 6.22 miles - 10.01 km

Description/comment by Linceandaluz :

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8 Km. Marismas- Pinete- Friseta- Fuerteventura - 21943

Sport: Running
by Linceandaluz: October 31, 2018
Location: MOGUER / España

Distance: 4.97 miles - 8 km

Description/comment by Linceandaluz :

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Pedrell-Guinardo-Bunkers-Calderon barca - 21913

Sport: Running
by Marc: October 20, 2018
Location: Pasaje Lugo / España

Distance: 3.47 miles - 5.58 km

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10,050 Km. Huelva -Fco. Montenegro - 21905

Sport: Running
by Linceandaluz: October 19, 2018
Location: MOGUER / España

Distance: 6.25 miles - 10.06 km

Description/comment by Linceandaluz :
Ruta llana

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1 - 21902

Sport: Running
by Antía: October 18, 2018
Location: Santiago de Compostela / España

Distance: 1.70 miles - 2.74 km

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15,000 Km. Marismas-Pinete-Galarin-Fresno-Aguardientes-Gines - 21896

Sport: Running
by Linceandaluz: October 15, 2018
Location: MOGUER / España

Distance: 9.32 miles - 15 km

Description/comment by Linceandaluz :

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5km zorrilla - 21890

Sport: Running
by Jose Angel Olmedo Alonso: October 14, 2018
Location: Valladolid / España

Distance: 3.11 miles - 5.01 km

No description/comment from Jose Angel Olmedo Alonso

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14 Km.Canarias- Olideportivo-Manzote-Algarrobito-fuentepiña-Cruz - 21883

Sport: Running
by Linceandaluz: October 12, 2018
Location: MOGUER / España

Distance: 8.70 miles - 14 km

Description/comment by Linceandaluz :

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LR_02 - 21845

Sport: Running
by LR: September 29, 2018
Location: Barcelona / España

Distance: 8.19 miles - 13.18 km

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LR_01 - 21844

Sport: Running
by LR: September 29, 2018
Location: Barcelona / España

Distance: 5.22 miles - 8.4 km

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La paz - 21780

Sport: Running
by Yeremay: September 11, 2018
Location: Calle Garzón, La Paz / España

Distance: 3.42 miles - 5.5 km

Description/comment by Yeremay :
Principio muy suave, final subida larga algo ascendente.

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17 Km. Cumbres- Cotorra- Fontanilla- Marismas Polinar - 21773

Sport: Running
by Linceandaluz: September 9, 2018
Location: MOGUER / España

Distance: 10.63 miles - 17.11 km

Description/comment by Linceandaluz :
Pistas con cuestas

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12 Km. Panama - Polinar - Marismas - Granja - 21772

Sport: Running
by Linceandaluz: September 9, 2018
Location: MOGUER / España

Distance: 7.46 miles - 12.01 km

Description/comment by Linceandaluz :
Llana con subida final

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PARQUESOL 10 KM - 21726

Sport: Running
by Jaoa: September 2, 2018
Location: Valladolid / España

Distance: 6.22 miles - 10.01 km

No description/comment from Jaoa

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Salinas - 21678

Sport: Running
by Edu: August 21, 2018
Location: Ciempozuelos / España

Distance: 8.92 miles - 14.36 km

No description/comment from Edu

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15 agosto 2018 vuelta por av piceas anillo parque jc y vuelta por florencio castillo - 21648

Sport: Running
by JM: August 15, 2018
Location: MADRID / España

Distance: 5.80 miles - 9.33 km

No description/comment from JM

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Verin - 21562

Sport: Running
by Juanjo: July 31, 2018
Location: Verin / España

Distance: 4.83 miles - 7.77 km

Description/comment by Juanjo :
La hago siempre que venga de vacaciones

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Type of sport selected: "allsport"

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